Beasts and Pets

Vi får besøk av Kunstakademiet i Oslo i helga og de skal lage en utstilling på Studio17 og screening i biblioteket!
Med Susanne M. Winterling, Liv Bugge, Sasha Waltå, Peder B. Horneland, Miriam Hansen, Benjamin Wagner, Christina Bruland, Kamilla Langeland, Henning Erlandsson, Agnieszka Golaszewska, Julie Olsen, Anna Knappe, Hugo Hedberg, Kjersti Austdal, Emil Andersson, Ksenia Aksenova, Jessica MacMillan, Ellakajsa Nordström, Emma Brack og Geir Haraldseth
Beasts and Pets – Weapons of solidarity
Surrounded by measurements of value and demands of sustainability, many artists find themselves to be expected to be providers, soldiers and saints of a truly good ethics, powered with correct intentions. Even rebelling is the norm and when resisting we perform and meet some kind of pet-like expectation of the alternative view. Who said the artist is a saint? Are artists supposed to be good?
Art can be a potential mean to form a language, to create a tool or weapon to be able to confront the crisis of the day. The fuel to feed the fire, the water to put it out. Inverting the expectation of the artwork to perform some kind of humanity, allow it to become the beast, potentially dangerous and causing a certain nervousness.
We will present what fuels an artistic practice in a span between aggression and compassion and how the notion of solidarity moves between and beyond these notions. Trying to experience how structural power moves within our bodies, expressions and epistemology, we will look at the narration of what has status as life/nonlife, and how this impacts the foundations of ethical, social and political conditions.
Where does this cause blindness and blind spots in relation to demonization of for example, color, religion, difference and complexity?
Relating to material will entangle the following questions: what an artwork is and what making art can be? We will look to the potential of artistic practice as a place where we experiment with the way we produce, invert and inject rather than exorcise to break the order of narratives and positions, learning and unlearning.
Join us for what comes………..
Omgitt av verdivurderinger og krav om bærekraft, er det mange kunstnere som kjenner på forventninger om å være tilbydere, soldater og helgener på vegne av god etikk, ladet med gode intensjoner. Hvem har sagt at kunstnere er helgener og bør de egentlig være gode?
Kunst kan brukes til å forme et språk, et verktøy eller et våpen for å stå opp mot kriser i samtiden. Vi vil presentere hva som lader en kunstners virke i rommet mellom aggresjon og medlidenhet. Og hvor oppstår det blinde flekker i forhold til demonisering av for eksempel farge, religion og ulikhet.
Følg oss for å se hva som kommer……….