Artist Talk: What art can do in postcolonial cities? Being an independent art-urbanism practice

Mandag 13. mai inviterer vi til Artist Talk med kunstner og aktivist Eunseon Park. Her diskuterer hun postkoloniale byer, kunst-aktivistiske praksiser i dem, samt gir eksempler fra hennes egen uavhengige kunsturbanistiske praksis med Listen to the City.
Seoul is both a postcolonial and hyper-capitalistic city where gentrification is incessantly occurring. In this neoliberal urban landscape, the capital disregards the history of ordinary people and nature (the commons). ‘Listen to the City’ has been dedicated to defining the significance of the commons in society and exploring ways to protect and enrich it. We utilize imagination to contribute to the commons rather than succumbing to capitalism.
One of the most crucial aims of ‘Listen to the City’s’ activities is to empower marginalized voices. This endeavor is closely related to Jacques Rancière’s concept of ‘The Distribution of the Sensible.’ Having a voice in the city implies that a person can actively participate in public discourse and have the opportunity to do so. ‘Listen to the City’ assists marginalized individuals in amplifying their voices. This discussion shares tactics and ideas on how we can protect our commons.
Samtalen vil foregå på engelsk og vi inviterer til mingling og forfriskninger etterpå.
Rogaland Kunstsenter
Mandag 13. mai
Kl. 19.00