Philipp Kleinmichel

Den tyske filosofen Philipp Kleinmichel gjester Rogaland Kunstsenter for å snakke om sin forskning.
Philipp Kleinmichel lives and works in Berlin/Germany. He studied philosophy, art and media theory, as well as film and curatorial studies in Freiburg/Germany, Karlsruhe/Germany and New York/USA. He attended the Whitney Independent Study Program and in 2008, he was leading the Karl Marx’s Capital for the 5th Berlin Biennial.
Philipp Kleinmichel taught art theory and philosophy at Hochschule für Gestaltung/Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) in Karlsruhe/Germany, where he recently defended his dissertation about the genealogical origins of the politics of art. In his essays and lectures he focuses on the aesthetic, political, and economic aspects of art and culture.