

I samarbeid med Norsk Kuratorforening presenterer  Rogaland kunstsenter det femte foredraget i serien Lecture Series. Her får du møte en kurator som diskuterer et prosjekt, en ide eller et kasus som de har jobbet med. Til Rogaland kommer Tirdag Zolghadr, som jobber som kurator og skribent og han vil snakke om ideen om å si farvel til samtidskunsten som et slags paradigmeskift innenfor samtidskunsten. 
Tidligere presentasjon har blitt gjort av Thomas Lax, Natasha Marie Llorens, Gabi Ngcobo og Adam Kleinman

Fra Norsk Kuratorforening:

In his presentation, Tirdad Zolghadr will address persistent calls for an “exit” from contemporary art. He argues that such calls are linked to a moral economy of indeterminacy that now defines the field. It is this moral economy that fuels two fundamentally different types of exit rhetoric. For some, indeterminacy allows for a cozy, melancholic sense of “tristesse royale”, as it ultimately views exit as an unattainable horizon. Among others, a growing impatience with the moral economy of indeterminacy has kindled an appetite for a paradigm shift that is both radical and realistic. Though not exactly a radicalist, Zolghadr likes to side with the latter group, and will argue his case with a small number of examples from recent curatorial practice.