
I forbindelse med Screen City 2017 presenterer tre kunstnere fra biennalen sin praksis i samtale med kuratorene for festivalen, Daniela Arriado og Tanya Toft.
On the occasion of their research visits to Stavanger, artist Enrique Ramirez (CL), Samson Kambalu (MW), and John Cleater (US) will present their reflections on developing expanded moving image artworks for the Biennial in the context of Stavanger. They will share observations, ideas and inspirations that feed into the process of realization of their artworks. The actual production of their works will take place in the months following the conversations. Written interviews with the artists will be published in the Biennial catalogue and on the website. For this evening we invite our partners and local arts professionals to join the Conversations.
Screen City Biennial is supported by: Arts Council Norway I Fritt Ord I Nordisk Kulturfond I Stavanger kommune