Expanded Art in Public Space

Screen City biennalen finner sted høsten 2017 og på våren inviterer de inn til diskusjon om kunst i offentlig rom.
Expanded Art in Public Space_Curatorial Roundtable: this open conversation will bring together invited experts and audiences in dialogue about expanded moving image art in the urban context, in perspective of the expanded moving image and tying into broader practices with art in public space. This is part of the discussion and dissemination series taking place in Stavanger prior and during Screen City, aiming to contribute to artistic and academic discourse with documentation and reflection on the Biennial outcomes.
Participants: Geir Haraldseth (NO) Rogaland Kunstsenter, Sissel Lillebostad, Curator, Writer and artist (NO), Trude Schjelderup Iversen, Senior-Curator, KORO (NO); Hege Tapio, Dir. i/o/lab Stavanger (NO), Daniela Arriado, Dir. Screen City Moving Image Biennial (CL/NO). Moderated by Tanya Toft, Researcher and Curator (DK).
The conversation will unfold around topics, concerning:
• How do we talk about “artistic quality” in temporal and immaterial art forms in public space?
• What might be the form and value of the traces the art leaves, in place and memory?
• What curatorial principles should accompany art in public space, and who should define them?
• Whose direction should the art follow? The artist’s, the curator’s, the politician’s, or the smart city strategy?
• What synergies and complexities might we find in the arts’ participation in the rise of the technologically intelligent city?
These sessions are supported by Fritt Ord & Kulturrådet /Arts Council Norway.
For more information please visit: www.screencity.no