Philipp Kleinmichel

Philipp Kleinmichel er en del av fakultet ved årets Independent Study Program ved Rogaland Kunstsenter. Kleinmichel er filosof og skribent, og har gjestet Stavanger før, blant annet som philosopher in residency ved Frida Hansens hus og som foredragsholder i forbindelse med utstillingen Inngang 2013: Åpen Dør.
Philipp Kleinmichel is a philosopher and art critic. He studied philosophy, art and media theory at University Freiburg and Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe/ ZKM where he also received his PhD. He is a former fellow of the Whitney Museum of American Art/ISP and the Akademie Schloss Solitude and has lectured at institutions including the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe/ZKM, the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies Giessen, and University Hamburg.
His monograph Im Namen der Kunst. Eine Genealogie der politischen Ästhetik (2014) investigates our belief in art under conditions of a total aesthetization of the world. The book connects the contemporary belief in art to the emergence of the aesthetic program of German Idealism and analyses why artists and intellectuals today feel constantly urged to justify artistic productions politically. From this perspective our relation to contemporary art appears to be a mere effect of belief empowered by a historical dialectic of disenchantment without cause. As a critic Kleinmichel has contributed to Artforum, Texte zur Kunst, and Cura amongst others.